Knee Examination in the Child

Table of Contents



  • It is important, during a knee examination, to keep in mind the child’s age and to understand the age-specific pediatric knee disorders.
  • Congenital hyperextension or dislocation of the knee:
    • Varies from simple hyperextension to anterior dislocation of the tibia on the femur
    • Hyperextended knee presents at birth.
    • A hyperextensible knee resolves spontaneously, whereas a dislocated knee requires surgery.
  • Blount disease (infantile tibia vara and adolescent tibial vara):
    • Abnormality of the proximal tibial growth plate causes excessive varus alignment of the knees (bowed legs) in children.
    • Varus/valgus natural history:
      • Birth: Normal bowing of 10-15°
      • 12-18 months: Varus decreases to 0°.
      • 3-5 years: Maximum valgus reached (10-15°).
      • Early adolescence: Valgus decreases to normal adult values (5-10°).
    • Infantile tibia vara, a common cause of pathologic bowed legs in children, usually presents at age 2-4 years and is painless.
    • Adolescent tibial vara, which is becoming more common, usually presents after age 9-10 years.
  • Discoid meniscus:
    • Congenital abnormality in which the lateral meniscus does not acquire a discoid shape during embryologic development, which makes it more susceptible to tearing.
  • Septic arthritis of the knee:
    • Pyogenic infection of the knee
    • 2/3 of all cases occur before 3 years of age.
    • Patient is acutely ill and nonweightbearing.
  • Popliteal cyst:
    • Cyst arising from the posterior knee joint
    • Typically presents as an asymptomatic mass on the posteromedial aspect of the knee at the popliteal crease
  • Tibial spine fracture: Avulsion of the tibial attachment of the ACL, usually from a bicycle fall, sporting injuries, or other indirect trauma to the knee
  • Genu valgum:
    • Valgus of the knee that increases after age 7 years is not physiologic.
    • Knee pain is a common feature.
  • JIA
  • OSD:
    • Traction apophysitis of the tibial tubercle
    • Occurs during time of rapid growth (ages 9-14 years)
    • Typical presentation is pain over the tibial tubercle exacerbated by running, jumping, and kneeling
  • Osteochondritis dissecans: Condition of unknown cause in which a segment of subchondral bone undergoes AVN
  • ITBS:
    • Most common cause of lateral knee pain in athletes
    • An overuse condition secondary to friction of the iliotibial band over the lateral femoral condyle
    • Presents as pain over the lateral femoral condyle that is worsened by activity
  • ACL injury:
    • 2 general mechanisms:
      • Direct trauma to the anterior aspect of the knee (more in young children)
      • Indirect injury by twisting motion
  • Lyme disease: Early in the disease, presents as fever and migratory arthralgia, with little or no joint swelling
  • Lyme arthritis:
    • Occurs months to years after the initial infection
    • Typically a low-grade inflammatory synovitis with a large and relatively painless joint effusion
  • SCFE:
    • Overweight child, aged 6-14 years
    • Pain referred to the knee (often missed)
    • Obtain hip radiographs in such children.


Signs and Symptoms

  • Pain:
    • Acute: Ligament and meniscal tears, fractures, septic arthritis
    • Chronic: Genu valgum, JIA, OSD, Sinding-Larsen-Johansson syndrome, osteochondritis dissecans, ITBS, Lyme disease, tendinitis, neoplasm
    • Specific location:
      • Anterior (patellofemoral pain syndrome): Patellar maltracking, pathologic plica, symptomatic bipartite patella.
      • Lateral: ITBS
      • Tibial tubercle: OSD
      • Inferior pole of the patella: Sinding-Larsen-Johansson syndrome
    • At night: Neoplasm (osteosarcoma, Ewing sarcoma)
  • Swelling:
    • Acute: Ligament and meniscal tears, fractures, septic arthritis
    • Chronic: JIA, Lyme disease, synovitis, neoplasm
  • Mechanical factors:
    • Catching or locking: Meniscal tears, articular cartilage damage, loose bodies (e.g., as in osteochondritis dissecans)
    • Giving way or coming apart:
      • Complete ligamentous injuries

Physical Exam

  • General considerations:
    • The entire lower extremity should be exposed.
    • When palpating, start with the normal knee to facilitate comparison and patient relaxation.
    • Start with examination steps not likely to hurt.
  • Inspection:
    • Anterior:
      • Inspect for valgus or varus deformity.
      • In adolescence, normal standing alignment is slight valgus (5-10°)
      • Look for evidence of effusion.
    • Lateral:
      • Look for incomplete extension resulting from flexion contracture or excessive hyperextension (recurvatum deformity).
      • Look for symmetry of the tibial tuberosities.
    • Palpation: Assess for warmth and check for tenderness along the medial and lateral joint lines, medial and collateral ligaments, patella and its supporting ligaments, femoral and tibial condyles, and tibial tubercles.
  • Hip examination: Because knee pain often is referred from the hip, any child presenting with knee pain should have an evaluation of hip ROM (see Hip Examination of the Child chapter).
  • Testing for effusion:
    • In marked effusions, the landmarks are obscured and the patella is ballotable, as seen with hemarthrosis, arthritis, and synovitis.
    • Mildly obscured landmarks suggest a mild joint effusion or fluid collection in the bursae (see Knee Anatomy and Examination chapter for details of the Blot and Milk tests for knee effusions).
  • Patellar assessment:
    • Inhibition test:
      • To determine if anterior knee pain is secondary to pressure in the patellofemoral joint
      • With the patient supine and knee extended, have the patient do a straight-leg raise.
      • Hold the patella to prevent it from ascending along the femoral sulcus.
      • Any pain is a positive test, which may indicate a patellofemoral disorder.
    • J sign:
      • Observe the patella as the patient actively extends the knee.
      • As the knee extends, the patella remains in the femoral sulcus as it ascends along the axis of the femur.
      • As the knee reaches full extension, the patella deviates laterally like an upside-down J, a positive J sign.
  • Menisci assessment:
    • McMurray test:
      • Flex the knee and hip maximally, and apply a valgus (varus) force to the knee.
      • Externally (internally) rotate the foot and passively extend the knee.
      • A palpable, painful snap or pop during extension suggests a tear of the medial (lateral) meniscus.
  • ROM:
    • Flexion (normal, 130-140°):
      • Have the patient sit or lie prone and fully flex each knee.
      • The angle between the leg and the thigh is the degrees of flexion.
    • Extension (normal, 5°):
      • With the patient lying supine with extended knees, stabilize the thigh and lift the foot.
      • The angle between leg and table is degrees of extension.
  • Ober test:
    • Assesses the flexibility of the iliotibial band.
    • With the patient lying on the unaffected side, stabilize the pelvis with 1 hand and abduct and extend the hip with the knee flexed.
    • Support the patient’s ankle and allow the thigh to drop.
      • If the thigh does not become parallel to the table, the test is positive.
    • A positive test is associated with ITBS.
  • Stability tests:
    • AP stability is provided by the ACL and OSD.
    • Mediolateral stability is provided by the MCL and LCL.
    • See the Knee Anatomy and Examination chapter for details of the Lachman test, anterior and posterior drawer tests, and varus and valgus stress tests.
  • Neurovascular examination: Especially important for acute injuries
    • Sensation: Test sensation to light touch and pinprick in the peroneal, superficial peroneal, and tibial nerve distributions.
    • Motor: Apply resistance while the patient:
      • Dorsiflexes and plantarflexes the foot
      • Inverts and everts the foot
      • Dorsiflexes and plantarflexes the great toe
    • Pulses: Check popliteal, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial pulses.



  • General considerations:
    • Standard radiographs of the knee joint: AP, lateral, tunnel, and patellar views
    • Skyline (Merchant, patellar) view:
      • Shows the location of the patella in the femoral groove and the thickness of the cartilage, which may be beneficial in identifying causes of anterior knee pain
      • Is an axial view of the patellofemoral joint with the knee flexed to 35-45°.
    • 25°AP (tunnel) view aids in the detection of osteochondritis dissecans.
    • A standing view of entire femur and tibia is needed to assess ligament alignment accurately.
    • MRI is best for evaluating soft-tissue masses and injury to menisci or ligaments.
  • Congenital knee dislocation: Radiographs help differentiate mild from the more severe hyperextension deformity characterized by a fixed anterior dislocation of the tibia on the distal femur.
  • Blount disease and genu valgum: AP, standing, long cassette radiograph of both lower extremities, which includes the hips, knees, and ankles, is best for assessing the mechanical axis and any deviation in joint alignment.
  • Discoid meniscus:
    • MRI is the most useful imaging modality.
    • Plain radiographs may reveal a widened lateral joint space with squaring of the lateral femoral condyle.
  • Septic arthritis of the knee:
    • Plain films usually are not useful because they may show only widening of joint space secondary to swelling.
  • Popliteal cyst:
    • Plain films show no bony abnormality and are needed only in the presence of pain.
    • Transillumination with a penlight confirms benign cystic nature.
    • Ultrasound is another option for documenting the cystic nature of the lesion and ruling out solid soft-tissue lesions.
    • MRI is indicated if ultrasound or transillumination does not show a typical homogenous fluid-filled cyst.
  • Tibial spine fracture:
    • AP and lateral radiographs are essential for evaluating the degrees of displacement of the anterior tibial spine.
    • Fracture is best seen on a lateral radiograph.
  • JIA:
    • Often no specific radiologic findings early in the course of JIA
    • As it progresses, periarticular osteopenia, localized soft-tissue swelling and, occasionally, joint space widening from effusion or synovial hypertrophy often are present.
  • OSD/Sinding-Larsen-Johansson syndrome:
    • Radiographs confirm the clinical diagnosis.
    • If bilateral involvement, radiographs usually are not needed.
    • If unilateral involvement, obtain radiographs to rule out neoplasms.
  • Osteochondritis dissecans:
    • Radiography:
      • Diagnostic
      • Reveals a fragment of avascular bone demarcated from the adjacent femur by a radiolucent line
      • AP, lateral, and a tunnel view, which is best for seeing the lesion in the classic location on the lateral aspect and posterior 2/3 of the medial femoral condyle
    • MRI is a useful adjunct for determining the extent of articular cartilage involvement and the stability of the lesion.
  • ITBS: Radiographs are unnecessary because diagnosis is based on the patient’s symptoms.
  • ACL injury:
    • Diagnosis is based primarily on the physical examination.
    • Plain radiographs should be obtained for all patients suspected of knee ligament injury.
    • MRI is indicated only for the patient in whom ROM does not improve and who has a persistent effusion after conventional therapy, or in whom the physical examination is difficult to interpret.
  • Patella alta:
    • Position of the patella is best seen on a lateral radiograph with the knee flexed to 30°.
    • Patellar height:
      • Can be assessed via the Insall ratio (length of patella ligament = diagonal length of patella).
      • Variations of >20% are deemed abnormal.
  • Lyme disease:
    • Plain films rule out other causes.
    • Diagnosis usually is based on clinical findings and positive blood serology.


Q: Is an MRI needed if I suspect a popliteal cyst?
A: Not if the history is typical, and the swelling transilluminates.
Q: Where is the tenderness located in OSD?
A: Over the tibial tubercle only.


If you would like an appointment / review with our children’s knee specialist in Singapore, the best way is to call +65 3135 1327 or click here to book an appointment at the clinic. If you would like to speak to one of our clinicians first about e.g. hyperextended knee in child, mild hyperextended knee, knee hyperextension test, j sign knee, acl tear etc, then please contact or SMS/WhatsApp to +65 3135 1327

Rest assured that the best possible care will be provided for you.

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